HDB Reviews Trivelis Clementi DBSS Review: Convenience & Greenery But Small Living Spaces
- February 17, 2021
- 26 min read

Trivelis offers an affordable entry for those looking at a new development in Clementi that comes with both convenience and greenery at the cost of living space.
Reviewed by Reuben on February 17, 2021
What we like
- Completely covered walkway to the MRT
- Quick access to the Park Connector
- Spacious grounds
What we don't like
- — Very narrow corridor
- — Lack of common space in front of units
Project: | Trivelis |
HDB Town | Clementi |
Address: | 311A-C Clementi Avenue 4 |
Lease Start Date: | December 2014 |
No. of Units: | 888 |
Trivelis has had a long history of mishaps right from the very beginning.
Initial buyers looked towards Trivelis with huge anticipation because it was the first launch in Clementi by HDB in over 10 years.
Why was this the case?
Prior to its launch, HDB launched most of its flats in non-mature estates like Punggol and Sengkang to meet housing needs.
The government was also looking to develop these new HDB towns, and so mature estates like Clementi and Queenstown were not prioritised.
In fact, there was not a single BTO launch in Clementi between 2000 – 2011.
This was especially concerning to those who wanted to stay near to their parents in the west as they had to choose from launches in Choa Chu Kang/Bukit Panjang – and there weren’t that many units to choose from.
So when the HDB announced Trivelis in October 2011, you can only imagine how excited buyers were.
Developed by EL Development (ELD), the 888-unit development was sold under the now discontinued Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS).
Right from the beginning, buyers were shocked to see the small sizes on offer here and not to mention, the oversized balcony in an already small unit space.
And despite the lucky “888” number of units here, those who committed to the purchase were slapped with bad news – the residential site right next to Trivelis was announced to be the site of a spanking new BTO – Clementi Ridges, just 5 months later!
Buyers were frustrated at the timing of its launch as the BTO next door would be cheaper, bigger and newer by about 1 year.
Many also expected unblocked views for at least a few years, but this announcement made it certain that their views would be blocked upon moving in as Clementi Ridges turned out to be 40-storeys too.
Some were even said to have forfeited their deposit for Trivelis just to try their luck on Clementi Ridges. I can only imagine the anguish and dilemma these initial buyers faced.
And if that’s not all, numerous defect issues started to surface upon obtaining its TOP (like many other DBSS built), resulting in over 500 residents coming together and raising their concerns.
The final piece of bad news that came out of the gate was when a piece of concrete slab fell from the 40th storey from block 311C onto the playground as a result of a lightning strike.
So with such a tumultuous history, is a unit at Trivelis still worth considering?
Let’s find out in our customary HDB tour!
Trivelis DBSS Development Tour
For anyone who is visiting this DBSS, you will immediately notice the huge “TRIVELIS” sign that greets just about any driver coming in.

While it’s common for HDB developments to display the project name at the front, the developers here took on a more sleek and modern feel to the name that differentiates it from any other HDB – but this is to be expected of a DBSS considering how it is touted to have more premium finishings.

It’s even more evident when compared to the neighbouring Clementi Ridges sign, which does set up a pretty good impression from the beginning for any visitor.
To kick things off, let’s talk about the entrance.
For one, you might notice that there’s only 1 entrance and exit here along Clementi Avenue 4. For a development with 888 units, it might sound insufficient.

However, the road just outside is not a major one, so residents/visitors arriving to and leaving the development shouldn’t face much of an issue, even during peak hours.
One issue with this entrance/exit is the fact that you’ll need to do a sort of U-turn when turning into the development, which can be quite tight if another car is exiting.
Also, residents who drive would also be glad to know that the lanes here are quite spacious which makes it a comfortable drive in.

Another thing you might realise driving in is the long driveway up this gentle hill. While it’s not exactly a grand entrance, it does give you some anticipation as you drive into the development, similar to the one at The Loft condo.
That coupled with the fact that the gantry is located right at the front does contribute to the more “exclusive” feel of the place.
Driving in further will lead you to a standard multi-storey carpark. In Trivelis’s case, the carpark is 7 storeys high and features 885 carpark units, as well as 136 motorcycle lots. This is a near 1-1 carpark ratio.

What’s great about the multi-storey carpark is that it features 2 exits and entrances. One here, and another on the other end.
This makes it very convenient for residents given there are 3 blocks that spans the length of the development.

While DBSS projects were never meant to be exactly “designer”, I half expected there to be some distinction to the carpark – which turned out to be rather ordinary.

In fact, I would say there are HDB carparks that look better than this, such as the one at SkyTerrace. Even the BTO beside Trivelis, Clementi Ridges, has a nicer-looking multi-storey carpark.
Of course, how a carpark looks isn’t a primary (or even secondary) consideration to most buyers, so this is just nitpicking on my end.

Heading inside the carpark, you’ll be pleased to see that it’s very spacious, bright and looks relatively well-maintained. I do reckon that residents and visitors should not find a lack of parking space here an issue given the near 1-1 parking ratio.

Lot sizes here are also fairly standard.

One pet peeve I have with this type of carpark is the rectangular layout. Visitors looking to park at the white lots would have to traverse across the entire floor just to navigate to the next floor.
This is in contrast to the spiral driveway that allows drivers to easily reach higher floors quickly.

Notice that all the lots here also also sheltered, which I guess is the bare minimum I would expect nowadays.

Now it’s from here that you’ll notice some of the inconvenience of lower level living at a HDB block next to a multi-storey carpark.

From the carpark, it’s quite easy to look into some of the bedrooms in both blocks.
This is even more apparent given the near floor-to-ceiling windows.

That being said, the lack of privacy due to the presence of a multi-storey carpark is a common issue among many HDBs, and even in some private properties, so it’s not an issue specific to Trivelis. My pointing out of this is really just to raise that awareness to potential buyers of the lower floors.

Taking the lift down to the ground level, you’ll notice that the lift here isn’t the usual cookie cutter variety.
With its interior covered in woody textures, this actually looks like a lift you’ll find in a condo which I guess plays in to its DBSS classification.

Round the back of the carpark on the ground level is the bicycle parking area.
If you’re looking for a space to park your bicycles, you’ll be hard-pressed to find one here.

Thankfully, the town council (Holland-Bukit Panjang) here seem to have taken a proactive approach.
If you look closely, many of the bicycles here have a red and white tape attached to it.

These are bicycles that are deemed to look “unwanted” or “broken” and would be removed if not attended to.
Such an initiative would clear out bicycles that aren’t attended to anymore, and make way for those in genuine need of parking their bicycles for use here. For me, it’s the little things such as this that can make a development just that much more desirable to live in.

It’s from here that residents can reach their block via these sheltered links.
Note that there are sheltered links that connects residents from all 3 blocks to the multi-storey carpark, which is really convenient!

Driving all the way to the end of the development, you’ll find the drop-off point.

It’s sheltered, and given the large size of it, can comfortably accommodate 4 waiting vehicles while also having enough space for other cars to pass through.

Another thing you’ll notice is the manicured grass area in the middle. Couple that with the soft-coloured bricks used (rather than tar), and the area does somewhat feel slightly more premium.

The drop-off area itself is quite big and fully sheltered too, with benches spread out for those waiting for their pick-up.

I like that the tiles used here is in keeping with the overall grey and white theme which ties the aesthetics of this area up nicely.
And of course it’s from the ground level that you can really get a sense of the towering presence of Trivelis.

In terms of exterior design, there really isn’t anything inspiring here. To be frank, some other HDBs even look better than this – and I’m not even referring to award-winning ones like SkyTerrace or SkyVille. For me, the other HDBs in Clementi such as Clementi Towers or Clementi Crest, do feature more interesting facades.

Of course, design is subjective, so I’ll leave it at that.
Now, let’s head around the back of the development where Block 311C is.
It is over here that you’ll find the Trivelis community garden, and I would genuinely say it is one of the best ones I’ve seen.

In some other HDBs, the community gardens are very fenced up, messy or look very inaccessible.
The one here, however, really sets the bar that I think all other community gardens should follow.
The nice and thoughtfully laid-out pavements gives you and your family the chance to walk around and admire the plants – something that the residents of Trivelis can be proud of.

It also features a nice seating area with leaves hanging from the top down, creating a very homely and cosy vibe here.

Following that train of positivity, you’ll start to notice that the connecting paths are actually quite spacious and open just from walking around the development.
This is in contrast to other HDBs, even “premium” ones, where you have to walk underneath blocks to get to where you want.
Even the areas below the block are lit – contrary to regular HDB blocks.

Entering the north side of Block 311C would lead you to the entrance of the preschool.

What’s also great is that the preschool has a back entrance that links directly to the community garden.
I like to think that it gives the children here ample opportunities to explore nature in a fun and conducive manner.

Back outside, if you continue on the path, you’ll find the main playground at Trivelis.

The playground area is surprisingly spacious, and sufficiently large for the development size.
Notice that the playground sits in a circular area?
Much like the roundabout that you saw earlier, you’ll see that this circular area here is a common theme throughout the development.
Such subtle consistency in design does tie in everything nicely together.

For those of you who are still wondering whether such a playground is sufficient for your family’s needs still – fret not!
As I’ll show you later, the Firefly Park just next door would provide you with so much more activities for the family, and that’s not even including the Park Connector.

It is also here that I want to point out how spacious the area feels again.
For those who haven’t been onsite and looking at Trivelis from afar, it’s quite normal to think that it is quite a dense estate.
But the reality is far from it given how much common space there is around here.

Moving on, you’ll find the outdoor fitness area.
The development features 2 outdoor fitness area – one focused on machines, while the other is more freestanding.

This one features 2 benches to rest on, 2 sit-up benches as well as 2 pull-up stations.

What’s great is that the fitness area here is strategically placed right next to the playground, allowing adults to exercise while keeping an eye out for their children.

The pull up bars were slightly disappointing however. As someone who is taller than the average Singaporean male, I personally found it difficult to hang from it.
I would imagine this was something quite standard, but apparently it’s not the case here.
Negativity aside, the outdoor fitness area does give that open feeling, which is really refreshing.
Residents would be able to do other forms of static exercises here without causing much disturbance to others.
As you may very well know, space is always a luxury in Singapore. So any development that gives a spacious feeling of the place, especially on the ground level, already makes a distinction for itself – and Trivelis has done well in this regard.

Around the back is a path that leads to Block 311B.
It’s hard to overstate just how well manicured this place is.
Take these plants lined along the walkways for example – while a DBSS (like any other HDB) is a public space, the use of such plants like a natural barrier that lines the walkway does give the development that extra bit of oomph.
As a matter of fact, this is quite a common theme throughout the development too.

Walkways are lined with plants, manicured grass and trees – and are mostly very immaculately kept.

Moving to the back, you’ll find a meandering walkway that connects Blocks 311B and 311A together.

Now besides the spaciousness of the walkways and facilities here, I would also like to highlight that all these walkways are fully sheltered – and not by a thin margin too!
Wherever you are connecting from within the development, there are no blind spots that would leave you wet under heavy rain (with the exception of the facilities…)

To the left of this walkway is the Precinct Pavilion – which is really just a large area to hold events – much like the void deck in HDBs.
During my visit here, there were families and children just relaxing and running around the area – so it does have some use besides holding events here.

In some of the void areas, you can also find some lush, varied plants used!

Some of the void areas here are also used to park bicycles – probably as a result of both convenience, and the lack of parking in the main bicycle bay area.
That being said, the residents here do park them in quite an orderly manner, which I am quite impressed by.

But not so much in other areas.

I would have to say that the level of trust must be quite high, considering these aren’t chained to any permanent fixtures. Which could point to the general safeness of the area – depending on if you are a glass half full/empty type of person.
Now let’s head up to check out the common corridors.
Unlike regular HDBs, the Trivelis DBSS comes with a gated lift lobby which is a big distinction and in my humble opinion, a feature that those with young children would naturally gravitate towards.

Residents would need to use their keycard to access the lift lobby here, which makes it more private unlike HDBs where anyone can visit your doorstep.

Visitors can refer to the call panel instructions to be buzzed up.
Inside, the lift lobby does look like any other HDB lift lobby, except that warm yellow lights are used instead.

I’ve always been a fan of yellow lights which creates a more homely feel than a clinical white one – so I’m happy to see that used here.
There are 4 lifts in this lobby, which I daresay is sufficient for the number of units here.

The lift also has two panels, one on the side for easy wheelchair accessibility, and one at the front.
As the lift lobby is located right at the center of the block, residents exiting the lift would either turn left or right towards their unit.

It is here that a serious shortcoming of living here presents itself. Unlike other HDBs, this development has a rather narrow corridor.

If you look at the ground, you’ll see that the width is really just about 4 tiles wide. This means the corridor would just about fit 1 wheelchair user plus 1 standing person turning sideways – close to or at the bare minimum under BCA (Building & Construction Authority) regulations when it was built – 1.2m.
The regulation was later revised to a minimum of 1.5m which makes it difficult to put items outside your home, such as shoe racks or bicycles as it would go against BCA regulations.
It’s definitely liveable no doubt, but it does feel a little claustrophobic (and dark) while going through these corridors.

To make matters worse, 6 out of the 8 units per floor here are located right at the end. So that makes it 3 per corner.
With such a narrow corridor, and larger units like the 4 and 5-room flats being situated at the end, neighbours would have to share a very small amount of common space right outside their doorstep.

Here is what this actually looks like. Notice that no one has (or can) put a shoe rack here, and the area has been kept to minimal use.
In fact, just placing a bicycle outside would already make the place barely wheelchair accessible as shown here:

This is really one of the bigger shortcomings of Trivelis, and it’s something that potential buyers would need to contend with – which is indeed a big contrast to the common spaces at Trivelis.

Heading back down and towards Block 311A, you’ll come across the final facility at Trivelis – an outdoor fitness area.
As usual, the fitness area sports a circular design and given how spacious it is, the machines are very nicely spread out!

Here’s a view of the fitness area from the carpark – which would better serve to illustrate the expansiveness of the space.

Right next to the fitness area is a sheltered walkway that connects to the opposite HDB.
You would be glad to know that this path will bring you to Clementi MRT/Mall, and it is 100% sheltered all the way through! So this makes for a comfortable walk, be it rain or shine.

Trivelis DBSS Location Review
Trivelis is located along Clementi Avenue 4, one of the few streets branching out of Commonwealth Avenue that leads to a dead-end.

As such, only vehicles serving residents along this stretch of road pass through here as it does not connect to any other road.
Towards the end, drivers would need to make a U-turn.
This means less traffic (and noise) along the road just outside of Trivelis!

The pathway outside of Trivelis is very pedestrian and cyclist friendly. There’s also lots of greenery lined along here. Combined together with the walkway, the space afforded is even wider than the road itself!

This pavement is very well thought through because many residents who live in this area would be using this path frequently to reach the Ulu Pandan Park Connector at the end here.
The wide pavement then feels like a continuation of the park connector altogether, which is a nice touch.

The Park Connector is only about a 7 minute walk from Trivelis and even shorter for cyclists.

If you’ve been following my HDB reviews closely now, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of Park Connectors – especially since HDBs do not come with facilities unlike condominiums.

Given its location along the Ulu Pandan Park Connector, residents here can take advantage of the long Park Connector trails on either the east or west direction.

Following East would bring you to the Alexandra Park Connector at Queenstown, and the West side brings you to the Jurong Park Connector.

Those who don’t wish to travel too far can simply soak in the view that the Sungei Ulu Pandan river has to offer. It’s quite scenic, if you ask me!

With such an amenity, families can look forward to spending healthy quality time with their loved ones.
Now besides the Park Connector, Trivelis is also located right next to a large neighbourhood park – Firefly Park @ Clementi.

The park is connected directly to the development from the back of Block 311C via a sheltered walkway where the bicycle parking area is and it has plenty to offer.

The park here is really well taken care of and offers residents a tranquil place to take a stroll without having to deal with a more crowded Park Connector, as well as faster-moving cyclists and PMD users.

Like Trivelis itself, the park is very open and spacious.

Certains pathways offer more shade than others. But to be honest, I wouldn’t expect residents to use this much during the day as most of the park isn’t well-shaded and it can get really hot here in the afternoon.

There’s also a basketball court nearby for those into ball sports!
And if the playground at Trivelis is not sufficient, residents would be pleased to see another one available in the park.

There’s also one for toddlers too!

For adults, there are two outdoor fitness area located here.

I do believe that these cater more to the older HDBs around Trivelis – but it’s still an option for residents to use nonetheless.

And of course, for those into foot reflexology, a “Reflexology Foot Path” is also available here.

Overall, having a large park right behind Trivelis that comes with varied facilities is a huge plus in my books, and one that buyers should consider if they’re looking at this development.

Nearby at Block 308 Clementi Avenue 4, residents can also find a coffeeshop – just a mere 2-3 minute walk away.

Of course, for those looking at a wider array of F&B options, Clementi Mall is just about a 7 minute walk away.

The mall boasts a strong tenant mix, from an NTUC FairPrice, to a library as well as the large electronic retailer BEST Denki.

For those living here, you’d know that this mall is crowded most of the time – it could definitely do with a bigger space!

If you are one of those who prefer the comforts of hawker food, you’ll be pleased to know that just behind the mall is the main Clementi Town Centre.

The entire street is lined with open air stalls selling food too (depending on the time of year).
Given the maturity of the town, and this being the center of it all, you can surely expect it to be crowded here on weekends as well.

That being said, living just under 10 minutes away from these amenities is definitely a strong factor for potential buyers. You get to be within convenient reach to such amenities – yet live along the quieter Clementi Avenue 4 away from such a rowdy environment.

Of course, those who prefer true convenience would want to consider an HDB flat in the vicinity, but do not expect prices here to be cheap!

Finally, the best part about the town centre (for the foodie at least) – Clementi 448 Market & Food Centre.

Just about any HDB town needs a proper hawker centre – and for Clementi, this is it.

This hawker centre is well known for certain dishes too such as Boon Kee Wanton Mee – but as food is out of my jurisdiction, you could refer to this list by Daniel Food Diary instead.
Public Transport
Bus station | Buses Serviced | Distance From HDB (& Est. Walking Time) |
‘Bet Blks 315/318 | 284 | 125m (2 min walk) |
‘Blk 317’ | 105, 105B, 106, 106A, 154, 154B, 173, 183, 185, 189, 196, 201, 52, 99 | 300m (<5 min walk) |
Closest MRT: Clementi MRT station; 7-min walk that is fully sheltered.

Those looking to travel by bus would likely use the bus stop along Commonwealth Avenue West ‘Blk 317’.

The closest bus stop ‘bet blks 315/318’ is really a feeder bus stop that brings residents to the MRT.

For residents living at Trivelis, it could really be much more convenient to just walk there given it’s just 7 minutes away, or hop on the bus if it so happens to arrive just when you’re below the block.
Private Transport
Key Destinations | Distance From HDB (& Est. Peak Hour Drive Time) |
Raffles Place | 13.8 km (16 mins drive) |
Orchard Road | 10.7 km (14 mins drive) |
Suntec City | 14.6 km (16 mins drive) |
Changi Airport | 31.4 km (26 mins drive) |
Tuas Port | 28.3 km (28 mins drive) |
Paya Lebar Quarters | 19.7 km (20 mins drive) |
Mediapolis | 6.3 km (9 mins) |
Mapletree Business City | 7.9 km (10 mins) |
Tuas Checkpoint | 18.1 km (18 mins) |
Woodlands Checkpoint | 17.4 km (18 mins) |
Harbourfront Cluster | 10.5 km (14 mins) |
Punggol Cluster | 31.6 km (30 mins) |
Immediate road exit:
From Clementi Avenue 4.
Despite being situated in the west, Trivelis is very well connected to the CBD given its connectivity to the AYE. Its location also enables quick access to the Jurong area, as well as the Mapletree Business City. The real inconvenience is having to travel to the north east of Singapore for work – but if this were the case, I wouldn’t recommend looking at the Clementi area.
Name of Grocery Shop | Distance from HDB (& Est Time) |
Cold Storage | 41 Sunset Way (1.3 km, 15-min walk) |
Thng Saik Mong | 108 Clementi Street 11 (1.1 km, 12-min walk) |
NTUC FairPrice | 3115 Commonwealth Avenue West (550m, 7-min walk |
Educational Tier | Number of Institutes |
Preschool | 3 |
Primary School | 4 |
Secondary School | 5 |
Junior College | 1 |
Polytechnics | 2 |
Nobleland Arts N Learning Place – Within the development
Sparkletots Preschool – 100m (2-min walk)
Sparkletots Preschool – 650m (8-min walk)
Nan Hua Primary School – 700m (7-8 min walk)
Clementi Primary School – 800m (10 min walk)
Pei Tong Primary School – 500m (7 min walk)
Qifa Primary School – 1.4 km (16 min walk)
Clementi Town Secondary School – 800m (11 min walk)
School of Science & Technology – 2.1km (26 min walk, or 19 min by bus).
New Town Secondary School – 2.2km (21 min by bus)
Nan Hua High School – 2.5km (23 min by bus)
NUS High School of Mathematics And Science – 2.2km (18 min by bus)
Anglo-Chinese Junior College – 3.7km (26 min by bus)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic – 3.0km (25 min by bus)
Singapore Polytechnic – 1.8km (18 min by train)
Additional Pointers
Defective issues may still be present
The DBSS is a subset of HDB housing that was touted as a “premium HDB” – one that is built by a private developer and would come with premium finishings as well as condo interior features, like a larger balcony, study rooms, and floor-to-ceiling windows.
However, many DBSS had quality issues, and Trivelis was unfortunately no exception.

Upon obtaining its TOP, many of the 1st owners cited multiple defects and mishaps, which includes:
- Defective stove knobs
- Rusty dish racks
- Poor quality laminate flooring
- Flooding along the corridor
- Scratched floor tiles
- Exposed sanitary pipes and water heater
The main frustration is that DBSS is actually more expensive than a traditional BTO due to such premium finishings, so when these defects were observed, many questioned whether or not the premium paid translated to a premium feel in reality.
And it was evident it did not.
In the end, the developer EL Development offered a goodwill package to lessen the impact of these defects.
Even though it’s already been 5 years since this mishap, I would advise being more thorough in inspecting the flat for any quality issues and negotiate accordingly if you spot them as money would need to be spent for any rectification works.
Unlike the 1st owners who could not see and touch the real unit, it is really Buyer Beware for resale buyers – so be sure to check on defects first.
Concerns over BTO competition
Shortly after Trivelis launched, the HDB announced a new BTO to be launched right next to it – this BTO is Clementi Ridges.

Naturally, many buyers of Trivelis were very disappointed for 2 main reason:
- The BTO could block residents views
- The pricing would naturally be lower given it is not a DBSS
This dashed hopes for many residents who were hoping for a good view which could be blocked by the upcoming 40-storey BTO.
Moreover, those looking to purchase a resale flat there can also consider the BTO as an option, making it a serious competitor to Trivelis.
The BTO would also have a larger floor area compared to Trivelis, which was known to have a smaller than usual amount of liveable space.
Buyers looking at Trivelis would need to consider the implications of a more affordable, slightly newer and larger BTO situated right next to Trivelis – and what this could mean for you when you’re looking to sell next time.
Easy access to the Rail Corridor

I’ve already covered the great access to the Ulu Pandan Park Connector, but Trivelis is also very well positioned to take advantage of the Rail Corridor (a.k.a Green Corridor) too!
The Rail Corridor is a 24km trail that runs from the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station all the way to the north at the Woodlands Train Checkpoint and is meant to be completed by 2021.

The trail will focus on three main themes: Heritage & Culture, Biodiversity & Greenery, and Recreation.
Easy access to this trail would mean that residents would be brought even closer to nature and is a huge amenity in my opinion and would be one of the perks of staying in Trivelis.
Trivelis DBSS Site Review

Trivelis houses 888 units spread across a total of 3 blocks, each 40 storeys high. In total, there are 3 types of units you can purchase here: 3-room, 4-room and 5-room flats.
As mentioned in the development tour, the compound feels very spacious. But it’s not because the land is particularly big, it’s more so that the blocks are very narrow, and walkways are out in the open.

One good thing about this site is that it faces the quieter Clementi Avenue 4, compared to Clementi Ridges just behind which faces the noisier Clementi Avenue 5.
Overall, I have little concerns over the development site here, and would say that it does indeed feel slightly more premium than a regular HDB given the greenery within the development and sheltered walkways.
Unit Mix
Flat Type | Sub Type | Approx. Size (sqm/sqft) | No. of Units |
3-Room | A1 | 60/646 | 37 |
3-Room | A1a | 60/646 | 74 |
3-Room | A2 | 60/646 | 37 |
3-Room | A2a | 60/646 | 74 |
4-Room | B1 | 82/883 | 111 |
4-Room | B1a | 82/883 | 111 |
4-Room | B2 | 81/871 | 37 |
4-Room | B3 | 80/861 | 74 |
4-Room | B3a | 80/861 | 37 |
4-Room | B4 | 80/861 | 74 |
4-Room | B4a | 80/861 | 37 |
4-Room | B5 | 81/871 | 37 |
5-Room | C1 | 105/1130 | 74 |
5-Room | C1a | 105/1130 | 37 |
5-Room | C2 | 105/1130 | 37 |
Stack Analysis

The best stacks in Trevelis goes to stacks 187, 189, 191 and 193. These stacks face the unblocked greenery view (you can see Bukit Timah Hill from your home!). Of course, you would need to clear the old 12-storey HDBs just opposite.

These are only the 4 and 5-room flat options, so those seeking a 3-room flat won’t get such a luxury. Instead, 3-room flat buyers could consider the partially-blocked greenery view at stack 159 instead.
The next best alternative for a 4-room flat is the partially-blocked stack 161.
Stacks 171 and 173 also get the park view and some unblocked city views too.

Prior to the BTO site Clementi Ridges being launched, many of the 1st Trivelis buyers were afraid their views would be blocked, but the only stacks to be materially affected are stacks 185, 183 and 197.
For those looking to get a sea view unit, the southern stacks at block 311A does offer some. They’re namely stacks 151, 153, 163 and 165.

You’ll also notice that in this cluster, Trivelis and Clementi Ridges are the tallest developments.

The surrounding HDBs are only 12-storeys high, so residents at Trivelis clearing this height should get some views.
Trivelis DBSS Price Review

Projects | Lease Start Date | 3-Room | 4-Room | 5-Room |
Trivelis | 2014 | $530,000 ($821 psf) | $753,000 ($865 psf) | $928,000 ($821 psf) |
Clementi Cascadia | 2018 | $579,000 ($780 psf) | $864,400 ($854 psf) | $1,018,944 ($845 psf) |
Clementi Ridges* | 2016 | $613,000* ($825 psf) | $809,500* ($809 psf) | $1,000,400* ($825 psf) |
Clementi Towers | 2012 | $623,888 (828 psf) | $857,500 ($833 psf) | $1,000,000 ($801 psf) |
*Prices here are estimated based on asking due to lack of actual transaction data.
For a fair comparison, we are only taking newer HDBs around Trivelis.
Do note that Clementi Cascadia and Clementi Towers are closer to the MRT too, with Clementi Towers being integrated with Clementi Mall and the bus interchange.
In some sense, it is pretty ironic considering how a DBSS is supposed to be a “premium HDB”, but ended up trading tens of thousands less than neighbouring HDBs.
But to appreciate the much lower quantum that this DBSS has over its surrounding HDBs, you’ll need to understand the size differences.
Projects | 3-Room (sqm) | 4-Room (sqm) | 5-Room (sqm) |
Trivelis | 60 | 81 | 105 |
Clementi Cascadia | 69 | 94 | 112 |
Clementi Ridges | 69 | 93 | 113 |
Clementi Towers | 70 | 96 | 116 |
Usually the smaller the flats are, the higher the $PSF – which is coherent in this case. But to understand whether the prices make sense for you, it’s best to know what you’re in for if you purchase a unit at Trivelis.

Do note that the room sizes here are only an estimation.
As you can see, Trivelis already starts off with a small overall size (81 sqm vs 93 sqm), yet despite its smaller size, it still allows for about 6 sqm of balcony space.
Given the large amount of balcony space dedicated to the unit, liveable space from the living/dining room, as well as the bedroom had to be sacrificed.

The common bedrooms here are about 30% smaller than the ones at Clementi Ridges.
The Master Bedroom is also significantly smaller.
Hence, when it comes to staying at Trivelis, what you get is a lower and more affordable quantum due to its smaller size, with a huge sacrifice in living spaces so that you can enjoy that outdoor balcony experience.
It is also a quieter alternative to the more crowded Clementi Cascadia/Towers, as well as Clementi Ridges since that development fronts the noisier Clementi Avenue 5.

With the lower quantum as a result of this sacrifice, Trivelis has found its position to be an affordable entry point for buyers looking to stay in Clementi – with an even bigger bonus if the buyer enjoys outdoor spaces and a less-dense/noisy environment.
But if you don’t like outdoor spaces, Trivelis is definitely not for you – unless you cannot resist the more affordable quantum.
Our Take

Overall, I liked what Trivelis has to offer in terms of development space and its surrounding.
Being situated along a quiet road and being halfway between accessing the Ulu Pandan Park Connector and Clementi MRT (both of which are within walking distance) does make it an attractive offering.
Moreover, the lower unit sizes here gives many buyers a chance to own a 4-room flat in a new development without crossing the $800,000 mark (for now).
Having a large (some say oversized) balcony could also be seen as a good thing, as there are not many affordable homes in Clementi that affords this lifestyle.
However, if I wanted to stay in Clementi, I would personally prefer to wait a little more for prices at Clementi Ridges to take hold first and decide again as I do not prioritise outdoor living spaces.
If you’d like to get in touch for a more in-depth consultation, you can do so here.
What this means for you
You might like Trivelis if you:
- • Are looking for outdoor living:Not many HDB/DBSS developments can boast a sizeable balcony like Trivelis does, so those who absolutely need outdoor living would find Trivelis to be a suitable option.
- • Want a new and affordable development in Clementi:Given the overall smaller unit sizes here, many would find the $700+K quantum quite affordable relative to the $800K+ 4-room flats that new HDBs around are asking for.
You may not like Trivelis if you:
- • Prioritise indoor living space:If you’re the type that like to stay indoors and turn the air-conditioning on, you’d fare much better elsewhere given the large balcony size in an already smaller-than-average flat.
- • Need to utilise corridor spaces:With 3 units sharing a few square feet of space on each corner of the common corridor, buyers who need such spaces (for items like shoe racks and bicycles) would experience difficulty finding it here.