Matt K
WriterMatthew is in his 20s, a run-of-the-mill graduate looking for his first home. He is intrigued by beautiful homes and their ability to be an effective legacy planning tool. In pursuit of this, he has visited over 100 showflats and resale condos since the age of 16 and hopes to share some of his insights here at Stacked.
Stacked Homes (2020 - Present)
Ten Old Square - Chancery and Commercial Barristers (2018)
- Shadowed award-winning King’s Counsel Eason Rajah in his extensive Trusts and Private Wealth practice
- Researched points of contention in an appeal filed for Crociani v Crociani, a US$100m trust dispute
- Drafted a legal memorandum on UK and EU tax law implications for a US$40m estate
RPC- law firm (2017)
- Undertook due diligence for the proposed acquisition of an international hospitality company
- Researched the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its implications on auditor independence on SGX-listed companies
- Analysed structures for the establishment of an art foundation and the purchase and sale of artefacts
LVM Law Chambers LLC (2017)
- Internship
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (2016)
- Internship
Lion Trust (Singapore) Ltd (2016)
- Internship
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP (2016)
- Internship
Multiple Top UK/US Law Firms (2015)
- Gained significant exposure into the workings of top international law firms and banks
Lee & Lee (2015 & 2016)
- Internship
Joo Toon LLC (2015)
- Internship
The Law Society of Singapore (2015)
- Internship
Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) (2013 - 2015)
- Commissioned by President Tony Tan as a 2nd Lieutenant (Ground-Based Air Defence)
- Best GBAD Squadron 2014/2015
- ORD Overall Grade : Excellent (2015)
- NS Excellence Award (2021)
Notable Features
- 55 Articles Written
Articles Written