An Ultimate List Of 287 Freehold Condos With En Bloc Potential In 2021 (Part 1)

With most of the en-bloc sites from 2017 completed and sold, there’s a real chance of the en-bloc cycle starting up again in 2021. This is compounded by modest Government Land Sales (GLS) sites for at least 1H 2021, as the government tries to adjust for potential Covid-19 setbacks.
But while developers may be eager to replenish their land banks, they also have a number of issues to contend with. Besides a volatile economy, for instance, they need to deal with squeezed margins from higher Development Charges, and the five-year Additional Buyers Stamp Duty (ABSD) time limit. As such, they’re likely to be more selective compared to the en-bloc fever of 2017.
Below, we’ve included a comprehensive list of potential en-bloc sites for 2021; in addition, we’ve covered some of the key factors likely to influence developers in the coming year.
For those of you who would like to understand how we picked the sites, do read on.
Otherwise, you can jump straight to the list here.

An important point about en-bloc sales
Readers should note there’s no requirement for an en-bloc sale to be publicised (except to the affected owners of course). There can be – and probably are – many en-bloc attempts that go unrecorded, or avoid notice. This is why we can’t simply put up a comprehensive list of “all en-bloc attempts going on in Singapore”.
Also, developers are not always open regarding their decision-making process. In 2017, for instance, Singapore saw an influx of foreign developers – mainly Chinese – who bought land at highly inflated prices (linked piece by this same writer). These en-bloc sales may not follow conventional reasons; a foreign developer may, for instance, make generous bids because their aim is to build their brand; there’s less emphasis on margins for their first project.
Such a sale would not give a genuine reflection of how en-bloc decisions come to be, nor of the real value of the en-bloc property.
So there’s always a degree of speculation involved, when we talk about why an en-bloc sale happens (or doesn’t). While we’ve made calculated guesses regarding en-bloc potential on this list, it should not be taken as guarantees or investment advice.
Do not buy properties on the assumption that an en-bloc will happen.
How did we pick the following sites?
All of the following sites are for freehold or 999-year properties, which are at least 20-years old. We will cover 99-year leasehold sites in a future follow-up. We’ve given precedence to freehold properties because – in theory at least – these developments are a bigger draw to many developers.
In addition, all of the sites on the list are located no further than 5/600 metres from an MRT station (of various lines). Note, we aren’t saying that properties that are further out have no en bloc potential – it is just an added bonus.
The factors that help the listed sites are as follows:
- Freehold status
- Gross Plot Ratio
- Maximum building height
- Size of the development
- Age of the property
- Price gap
- Upgrades to the overall district

1. Freehold status
Every property on the list is either freehold, or 999-years. In theory, freehold or 999-year leases make more attractive en-bloc targets. There is a degree of evidence to support this, if we compare the number of freehold units that have gone en-bloc, to the number of leasehold units.
It’s because when developers buy over a land plot, one of the major costs will be topping up the lease. This is done via an application to the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). The developer can top up the lease to the maximum for the plot (e.g., a 60-year lease plot can be topped up to 60 years, a 99-year lease can be topped up to 99 years).
The exact cost of topping up the lease varies – it’s up to the decision of the chief valuer at SLA. Ironically, many of the factors that make a development favourable for en-bloc – such as rising land value from improvements to the neighbourhood – are the same ones that raise the cost of topping up the lease.
That said, freehold status shouldn’t be over-emphasised either
We said that freehold properties are more favourable for en-bloc, in theory. In reality, the issue is less clean-cut.
For a developer, the cost savings may be negated by the prices demanded by owners. After all, most freehold property owners paid premiums of 15 to 20 per cent, compared to leasehold counterparts; they will demand higher sale proceeds to make up for this.
These same owners are able to “hold out” for a long time: there’s no lease decay on their property, and therefore no rush to sell.
As such, developers could end up paying just as much, even if there’s no need to top up the lease.
Beyond this, factors such as location, the state of the overall property market, the plot ratio, etc., all tend to outweigh the value of freehold status. So while freehold status does help, it’s not a guaranteed ticket to successful en-bloc sales.

2. Gross Plot Ratio
One of the most major factors that drives en-bloc sales is inefficient land use. A good indicator is when the Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) for the land could allow for far more homes than the existing development.
The GPR can be checked in the URA Master Plan; but you’ll often find it’s obvious from plain sight. Examples are an old, low-rise condo, surrounded by other towering condos; or walk-up apartments with low unit counts, but very large units (e.g., even the smallest units are beyond 1,100 sq. ft.).
Here are some examples on the list:
Grandlink Square
Location: 511 Guillemard Road (District 14)
Completion: 2000
Total number of units: 71
GPR: 3.0

Square Foot Research indicates a price range of $1,019 to $1,065 psf, with an average of $1,042 psf.
Grandlink Square has a GPR of 3.0, and yet this development has only 71 apartment units. Each of these units is huge by today’s standards, with the smallest ones reaching f1,109 sq. ft. The four-bedders in this development reach up to 1,949 sq. ft.
If redeveloped, the land could yield far more homes than it currently supports.
It also helps that it’s in Paya Lebar, which is a new commercial hub – we feel developers are optimistic about District 14, following the recent success of Parc Esta and Penrose.
Another good example is The 101: This mixed-use property was in fact up for en-bloc at $90 million, back in June 2020:
Location: 101 Beach Road (District 07)
Completion: 1986
Total number of units: 20
GPR: 4.2

Square Foot Research shows a price average of $1,597 psf in the last transaction.
The 101 is in a strong location – it’s within 500 metres of Bugis Junction (and hence the Bugis MRT), and is just a short stroll from top-end projects like Midtown Modern, and the soon-to-be-redeveloped Shaw Tower.
Despite a high GPR of 4.2, there are only 20 residential units here. The commercial element is also underutilised, given that the area around Bugis Junction is a major retail hotspot.
Even prime areas have old developments, which have underutilised the land; such as The Oxley in District 09. It’s is just a short walk from Dhoby Ghaut MRT station:
Location: Oxley Rise (District 09)
Completion: 1997
Total number of units: 39
GPR: 4.2

There have been no transactions for some time, but the last was at $1,983 psf.
Again, note the GPR of 4.2, and the fact that there are only 39 units in this entire development. Like The 101, we could also argue it’s not tapping the full potential of its location, which is in the heart of one of Singapore’s busiest districts. This makes it one of the better en-bloc prospects in the area.
3. Maximum building height
In general, the GPR also determines the maximum height of a development. For example, a GPR of 2.8 will allow developments of up to 36 storeys, while a GPR of 1.4 only allows up to four storeys. Any GPR lower than that allows only one to two-storey developments.
But besides the GPR, building heights must also be approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).
For CAAS, approval will be sought for properties that are on the eastern end of Singapore (the green zone). For the red zone, CAAS approval is only needed for developments that exceed a height of 150 metres Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL).

Unfortunately, we can’t give you a definitive list of which sites are affected. CAAS is consulted by the developer as and when it becomes relevant, and they will review the locations on a case-by-case basis.
Regardless, it does mean that condos located close to aviation hubs, such as airports, can be harder to en-bloc. Notice, for example, that only two condos on this list are in the Changi area: Changi Green and Changi Court.
(These two condos made the list mainly because of their age, and because MRT stations have since appeared near them; they could still have to contend with height restrictions).
Do also note that some properties will have max heights imposed by URA as well to safeguard the neighbourhood characteristics.

4. Size of the development
After the last en-bloc craze in 2017, the government introduced a new set of cooling measures the following year. The policy most relevant to en-bloc prospects is the Additional Buyers Stamp Duty (ABSD) for developers.
The ABSD for developers imposes a tax of 30 per cent on the land price. If a developer is able to complete and sell all their units within a five-year period, they can get ABSD remission of 25 per cent of the land price (five per cent is non-remissible).
A crucial factor is that the five-year time limit applies regardless of development size; a boutique development with 50 units has to be sold in five years, as does a mega-development with 2,000 units.
As such, developers are more hesitant today compared to 2017. They need to be absolutely confident of market conditions before buying up larger developments, and that may not be the situation in the aftermath of Covid-19.
Note that besides the issue of sales, developers also have to contend with labour and supply shortages from the pandemic. While they were previously given a six-month extension to cope with this, it remains to be seen whether they can complete bigger projects on time.
5. Age of the property
This is related to the issue in point 3: older condos tend to have bigger, fewer units. As such, they tend to be less efficient in terms of land use, and are profitable to redevelop.
Also relevant is the issue of rising land values. Over time, neighbourhoods accumulate more schools, malls, eateries, etc. Older condos, such as those built in the ‘70s or ‘80s, may be far less valuable than the land they’re built on.
As an example, consider Kim Sia Court, which was built in 1970. This property is located just six minutes’ walk from Orchard MRT station:
Location: Jalan Jintan (District 9)
Completion: 1970
Total number of units: 172
GPR: 2.8

Square Foot Research shows a price average of $1,905 to $1,957 psf, with an average of $1,931 psf.
Compare this to what the average District 9 property can fetch today:

As of March 2021, average prices across the district averaged $2,482 psf. And remember that Kim Sia Court is located six minutes’ from Orchard MRT, which for any more recent development, would raise its price above the district average.
Like many old condos, Kim Sia Court may have been priced right for its day; but the rising value of the neighbourhood has outstripped its appreciation. That said, some may say that with a psf approaching the $2k mark, it may be tough to find a buyer at that price point already.
It tends to be easier to secure en-bloc approval in older properties
For an en-bloc to succeed, there must be consent among owners who possess 80 per cent shareholding (note that it’s based on shareholding, not 80 per cent of all the owners; this means that owners of bigger units, with a higher share value, have a bigger vote).
For condos that are not yet past their 10th year, the requirement rises to 90 per cent, which is why en-bloc sales for new projects are rare.
It’s often assumed that this is due to worn out facilities, or maintenance issues. There is some truth to that. However, another reason is that older condos tend to have fewer, bigger units. This translates to a smaller number of owners, which makes consensus easier to reach.
6. Price Gap
This refers to two different approaches.
The first approach is simply to compare the average resale price of units in the en-bloc prospect, to the average prices of properties in the same district, within the same year.
Ideally, we should find a large price gap, with the en-bloc prospect being much cheaper than the district average.
The second method looks at en-bloc prospects for a given district, rather than for a specific development.
This is done by comparing the price paid for a recent collective sale, to the average sale price in the district, within the same year. The cheaper the collective sale price compared to the district prices, the better the en-bloc prospects in the district.

7. Upgrades to the overall district
Districts transform over time. For example, Jurong East used to be a primarily industrial area; but today it’s a retail powerhouse, with the presence of Jem, J-Cube, and the introduction of prime office space.
A more recent example of this is Paya Lebar:
Paya Lebar now has over a million square feet of Grade A office space, and is a retail nexus with the revamped SingPost Centre, and Paya Lebar Square (the overall development is referred to as Paya Lebar Quarter, or PLQ).
We already detailed Grandlink Square above as a good en-bloc prospect; another on the list is Palm Lodge. This boutique development, with just 56 units, is only 460 metres – or around seven minutes’ walk – from the heart of PLQ.
Location: Lorong 37 Geylang (District 14)
Completion: 1992
Total number of units: 56
GPR: 2.8

There have been few transactions over the years, but the most recent transaction was at $978 psf.
Palm Lodge doesn’t have a lot of land space; but it has the potential to be redeveloped into a much higher-end, small or boutique condo. With Paya Lebar now being a commercial hub, there’s a new demographic of wealthier tenants, and buyers will find higher prices more palatable.
For reference, Park Place Residences, which is just 450 metres away (six minutes on foot) currently averages $1,994 psf.
Holland Village, incidentally, has many examples of these. While Holland V has already been a hot spot for decades, it has many properties that date back to the 1980’s or earlier, which developers would probably love to buy over; if only the residents were willing to give them up.
One example of this is the famed Warner Court, the closest freehold condo to Holland V MRT station:
Location: Holland Avenue (District 10)
Completion: 1985
Total number of units: 36
GPR: 1.4

Transactions here are scant, but the last one in 2020 was at $1,550 psf.
Given its proximity to the heart of Holland V, Warner Court has real redevelopment potential. The recent launches of Van Holland and One Holland Residences will probably play a role here, with developers watching the sales to see if it’s worth jumping in.
The aforementioned Van Holland, which is also a boutique development with 69 units, has seen median developer prices of $2,741 psf. If Van Holland can do convincingly well at that price, we’d expect some developers to cast an eye toward Warner Court.
And so without further ado, here is our complete en bloc list of 287 freehold property.
287 Freehold Property With En Bloc Potential (Part 1)
Jump to district
District 1 (Boat Quay / Raffles Place / Marina)
District 3 (Alexandra / Commonwealth)
District 4 (Harbourfront / Telok Blangah)
District 5 (Buona Vista / West Coast / Clementi)
District 7 (Beach Road / Bugis / Rochor)
District 8 (Farrer Park / Serangoon Road)
District 9 (Orchard / River Valley)
District 10 (Tanglin / Holland)
District 11 (Newton / Novena)
District 12 (Balestier / Toa Payoh)
District 13 (Macpherson / Potong Pasir)
District 1
#1 – Emerald Garden

Emerald Garden is a 999-yrs leasehold (01/10/1827) condominium situated at 33 Club Street. The current nearest MRT is Telok Ayer (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Oxford Gardens Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 265 units in total spread across 11 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,891. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,866 and $1,923 respectively. There were a total of 5 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3.5 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 3
#1 – Yong Siak View

Yong Siak View is a freehold apartment situated at 21 Yong Siak Street. The current nearest MRT is Tiong Bahru (East-West Line). The development was completed in 1987. It has 9 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,466. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | 6 Storeys |
District 4
#1 – Harbourlights

Harbourlights is a freehold apartment situated at 66 Telok Blangah Road. The current nearest MRT is HarbourFront (Circle Line). The development was completed by Liang Court Technopark Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 139 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,471. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,453 and $1,488 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.9 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#2 – Mount Faber Lodge

Mount Faber Lodge is a freehold condominium situated at 27 Mount Faber Road. The current nearest MRT is HarbourFront (Circle Line). The development was completed by Wan Li Trading Pte Ltd in 1983. It has 84 units in total spread across 5 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,085. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
District 5
#1 – Banyan Condominium

Banyan Condominium is a freehold condominium situated at 1 Chwee Chian Road. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1995. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#2 – Flynn Park

Flynn Park is a freehold condominium situated at 18 Yew Siang Road. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed by Newford Pte Ltd in 1986. It has 72 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,282. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.
Update: Flynn Park went en bloc for $371M.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#3 – Fragrance Court

Fragrance Court is a freehold apartment situated at 12 Yew Siang Road. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed by Chip Huat Construction Co Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 32 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,102. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,102 and $1,102 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#4 – Island View

Island View is a freehold condominium situated at 38A Jalan Mat Jambol. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed by Island Homes Development in 1984. It has 72 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,136. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,057 and $1,196 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#5 – Kentview Park

Kentview Park is a freehold condominium situated at 87 Pasir Panjang Hill. The current nearest MRT is Haw Par Villa (Circle Line). The development was completed by Allgreen Properties Ltd in 1994. It has 48 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,031. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,029 and $1,033 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#6 – Le Hill Condominium

Le Hill Condominium is a freehold condominium situated at 44 Pasir Panjang Hill. The current nearest MRT is Haw Par Villa (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1999. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,219. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,070 and $1,323 respectively. There were a total of 8 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#7 – Pepys Hill Condo

Pepys Hill Condo is a freehold condominium situated at 19 Pepys Road. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed by Oasis Development Pte Ltd in 1988. It has 32 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,117. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $963 and $1,271 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#8 – Pleasant Hill Lodge

Pleasant Hill Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 81 Pasir Panjang Hill. The current nearest MRT is Haw Par Villa (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1984. It has 4 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#9 – The Peak

The Peak is a freehold condominium situated at 33 Pepys Road. The current nearest MRT is Pasir Panjang (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1988. It has 20 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,236. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 7
#1 – Boon Sing Building

Boon Sing Building is a 999-yrs leasehold (30/01/1835) apartment situated at 43 Middle Road. The current nearest MRT is Esplanade (Circle Line).. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,787. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 4.2 |
Other restrictions: | 6 Storeys |
#2 – Liang Seah Court

Liang Seah Court is a 999-yrs leasehold (25/01/1827) apartment situated at 4 Liang Seah Street. The current nearest MRT is Bugis (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Alivestone Investment Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 10 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,806. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 4.2 |
Other restrictions: | Conserved |
#3 – The 101

The 101 is a 999-yrs leasehold (25/01/1827) apartment situated at 101 Beach Road. The current nearest MRT is Bugis (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1986. It has 20 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,597. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 4.2 |
Other restrictions: | 6 Storeys |
#4 – Waterloo View

Waterloo View is a freehold apartment situated at 166 Waterloo View. The current nearest MRT is Bras Basah (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1975. It has 20 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,025. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 16 Storeys |
District 8
#1 – Dorset Mansions

Dorset Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 99 – 101 Dorset Road. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Park (North-East Line). The development was completed in 1992. It has 7 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,201. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#2 – Hoa Nam Building

Hoa Nam Building is a freehold apartment situated at 27 Foch Road. The current nearest MRT is Bendemeer (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1983. It has 36 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,164. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#3 – Jalan Besar Plaza

Jalan Besar Plaza is a freehold apartment situated at 101 Kitchener Road. The current nearest MRT is Jalan Besar (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1980. It has 44 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#4 – Petain Court

Petain Court is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Petain Road. The current nearest MRT is Bendemeer (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1994. It has 72 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$962. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | Conservation Area, 6. |
#5 – Sturdee View

Sturdee View is a freehold apartment situated at 60 Sturdee Road North. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Park (North-East Line). The development was completed by Gmp Development Pte Ltd (L & M Properties Pte Ltd) in 1999. It has 24 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,085. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#6 – Verdun House

Verdun House is a freehold apartment situated at 6 Verdun House. The current nearest MRT is Jalan Besar (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1982. It has 10 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 4.2 |
Other restrictions: | 6 Storeys |
#7 – Wu De Building

Wu De Building is a freehold apartment situated at 6A Beatty Road. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Park (North-East Line). The development was completed in 1990. It has 10 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 9
#1 – Casa Novacrest

Casa Novacrest is a freehold apartment situated at 17 Peck Hay Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (North-South Line). The development was completed by Nakano Singapore Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 20 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 20 Storeys |
#2 – Claremont

Claremont is a freehold apartment situated at 161 Killiney Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Allgreen Properties Ltd in 2000. It has 67 units in total spread across 10 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 10 Storeys |
#3 – Claymore Plaza

Claymore Plaza is a freehold apartment situated at 6 Claymore Hill. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1983. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 4.9 |
Other restrictions: | 20 Storeys |
#4 – Delfi Orchard

Delfi Orchard is a freehold apartment situated at 402 Orchard Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1985. It has 23 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 4.9 |
Other restrictions: | 20 Storeys |
#5 – Eber Gardens

Eber Gardens is a freehold condominium situated at 1 – 15 Eber Road. The current nearest MRT is Somerset (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1991. It has 14 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,636. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Mixed Landed |
#6 – Euro-Asia Court

Euro-Asia Court is a freehold apartment situated at 3 River Valley Close. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Webest Investment Pte Ltd in 1994. It has 105 units in total spread across 12 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,480. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#7 – Grange Heights

Grange Heights is a freehold apartment situated at 15 Grange Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Hong Leong Holdings Ltd in 1975. It has 120 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,646. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#8 – Hock Mansion

Hock Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Wilkie Terrace. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1975. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,350. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36m SHD |
#9 – Hollywood Apartments

Hollywood Apartments is a freehold apartment situated at 100 Oxley Rise. The current nearest MRT is Fort Canning (Downtown Line).. It has 40 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#10 – Kim Sia Court

Kim Sia Court is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Jalan Jintan. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1970. It has 172 units in total spread across 12 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,745. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,688 and $1,802 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 20 Storeys |
#11 – La Crystal

La Crystal is a freehold apartment situated at 160 Killiney Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Central Park Investments Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 85 units in total spread across 20 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,777. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,742 and $1,820 respectively. There were a total of 6 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#12 – Le Wilkie

Le Wilkie is a freehold apartment situated at 68 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Gget Holding Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 41 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,397. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36 SHD |
#13 – Leonie Towers

Leonie Towers is a freehold apartment situated at 28 Leonie Hill. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Hock Seng Enterprise Pte Ltd in 1976. It has 92 units in total spread across 24 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,670. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#14 – Lloyd Court

Lloyd Court is a freehold apartment situated at 40 Lloyd Road. The current nearest MRT is Somerset (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1970. It has 25 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#15 – Lucky Plaza

Lucky Plaza is a freehold apartment situated at 304 Orchard Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1981. It has 88 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,899. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,778 and $2,019 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 6.5 |
Other restrictions: | 30 Storeys |
#16 – Mirage Tower

Mirage Tower is a freehold condominium situated at 80 Kim Seng Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by City Development Ltd in 1996. It has 248 units in total spread across 33 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,838. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,426 and $2,191 respectively. There were a total of 7 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3.8 |
Other restrictions: | 36 Storeys |
#17 – Orchard Court

Orchard Court is a 993-yrs leasehold (01/01/1973) apartment situated at 19 Oxley Road. The current nearest MRT is Dhoby Ghaut (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1970. It has 96 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,500. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#18 – Orchard Towers

Orchard Towers is a freehold apartment situated at 400 Orchard Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1975. It has 58 units in total spread across 25 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,324. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,295 and $1,345 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 4.9 |
Other restrictions: | 30 Storeys |
#19 – Oxley Garden

Oxley Garden is a freehold apartment situated at 5 Oxley Rise. The current nearest MRT is Dhoby Ghaut (Circle Line). The development was completed by Hin Giap & Company Pte Ltd in 1986. It has 46 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#20 – Richmond Park

Richmond Park is a freehold condominium situated at 3 Bideford Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (North-South Line). The development was completed by Tararone Investment Pte Ltd & Topaz Realty Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 159 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,489. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $2,462 and $2,516 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#21 – Riva Lodge

Riva Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 36 Leonie Hill. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Robin Development (Pte) Ltd in 1994. It has 25 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#22 – River Valley Court

River Valley Court is a freehold apartment situated at 338E River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Carrutha Pte Ltd in 1994. It has 18 units in total spread across 10 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 10. Also it’s partially conserved. |
#23 – Rivershire

Rivershire is a freehold apartment situated at 31 Leonie Hill. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Hong Leong Holdings Ltd in 1991. It has 74 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,915. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#24 – Riverside 48

Riverside 48 is a freehold apartment situated at 48 Robertson Quay. The current nearest MRT is Fort Canning (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Tuan Huat Development Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 70 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,749. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 10 Storeys |
#25 – Sam Kiang Mansions

Sam Kiang Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 23 Saint Thomas Walk. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1999. It has 53 units in total spread across 20 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,725. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#26 – Scotts 28

Scotts 28 is a freehold condominium situated at 28 Scotts Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Mcl Land Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 136 units in total spread across 30 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,131. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $2,040 and $2,222 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#27 – St Thomas Court

St Thomas Court is a freehold apartment situated at 40 Saint Thomas Walk. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Thomas Walk Properties Pte Ltd in 1993. It has 11 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#28 – St Thomas Ville

St Thomas Ville is a freehold apartment situated at 38 Saint Thomas Walk. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Newmake Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 23 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#29 – The Bayron

The Bayron is a freehold condominium situated at 49 Saint Thomas Walk. The current nearest MRT is Somerset (North-South Line). The development was completed by Bayron Albert (Chee Swee Cheng Group) in 1999. It has 96 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#30 – The Beaumont

The Beaumont is a freehold condominium situated at 145 Devonshire Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Goodland Pte Ltd in 1985. It has 64 units in total spread across 10 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#31 – The Morningside

The Morningside is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Jalan Kuala. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Hong Leong Holdings Ltd in 1992. It has 79 units in total spread across 25 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,854. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,788 and $1,919 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#32 – The Oxley

The Oxley is a freehold apartment situated at 9 Oxley Rise. The current nearest MRT is Dhoby Ghaut (Circle Line). The development was completed by Tuan Sing Holdings in 1996. It has 39 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,983. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 4.2 |
Other restrictions: | 10 Storeys |
#33 – The Paterson Edge

The Paterson Edge is a freehold apartment situated at 26 Paterson Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (North-South Line). The development was completed by Sembawang Land Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 61 units in total spread across 7 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#34 – The Regalia

The Regalia is a freehold apartment situated at 2 River Valley Close. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Far East Organization in 1993. It has 116 units in total spread across 20 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,644. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#35 – Tiara

Tiara is a freehold condominium situated at 1 Kim Seng Walk. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Midpoint Properties Pte Ltd in 1995. It has 264 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,894. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,858 and $1,950 respectively. There were a total of 6 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3.3 |
Other restrictions: | 36 Storeys |
#36 – Trendale Tower

Trendale Tower is a freehold apartment situated at 79 Cairnhill Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (North-South Line). The development was completed by Trend Developments Pte Ltd in 1982. It has 18 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,590. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#37 – Ue Square

Ue Square is a 929-yrs leasehold (01/01/1953) apartment situated at 205 River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Fort Canning (Downtown Line). The development was completed by United Engineering Ltd in 1997. It has 345 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,787. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,623 and $2,075 respectively. There were a total of 7 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3.9 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#38 – Valley Mansion

Valley Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 68D Oxley Road. The current nearest MRT is Somerset (North-South Line).. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,578. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#39 – Ville Royale

Ville Royale is a freehold condominium situated at 310 River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Fort Canning (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Far East Organization in 1993. It has 43 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#40 – Wharton Vale

Wharton Vale is a freehold apartment situated at 68 Sophia Road. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 2001. It has 14 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36m SHD |
#41 – Wilkie 48

Wilkie 48 is a freehold apartment situated at 48 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Innovative Development Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 28 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,480. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36m SHD |
#42 – Wilkie Apartments

Wilkie Apartments is a freehold apartment situated at 59 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1990. It has 12 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36m SHD |
#43 – Wilkie Court

Wilkie Court is a freehold apartment situated at 97 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Dhoby Ghaut (Circle Line). The development was completed by Kengfu Development Pte Ltd in 1991. It has 16 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,417. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2 |
Other restrictions: | 30m SHD |
#44 – Wilkie Mansion

Wilkie Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 75 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Dhoby Ghaut (Circle Line). The development was completed in 1980. It has 16 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 30m SHD |
#45 – Wilkie Vale

Wilkie Vale is a freehold apartment situated at 60 Wilkie Road. The current nearest MRT is Rochor (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 2001. It has 5 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | 36m SHD |
#46 – Yong An Park

Yong An Park is a freehold condominium situated at 325 River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Riverview Development Pte Ltd in 1986. It has 288 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,834. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,316 and $2,376 respectively. There were a total of 6 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 10
#1 – Botanic Gardens Mansion

Botanic Gardens Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Taman Serasi. The current nearest MRT is Napier (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1970. It has 112 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,795. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#2 – Botanic Gardens View

Botanic Gardens View is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Taman Serasi. The current nearest MRT is Napier (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Yat Uen Hong Co Pte Ltd in 1970. It has 144 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,121. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $2,113 and $2,128 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#3 – Charming Garden

Charming Garden is a 999-yrs leasehold (27/12/1875) condominium situated at 138 King’S Road. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Road (Circle Line). The development was completed by Standard Housing Co. Pte Ltd in 1984. It has 32 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,539. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Semi-Detached |
#4 – Chateau Le Fame

Chateau Le Fame is a freehold apartment situated at 51 Ewe Boon Road . The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by 0 in 2000. It has 39 units in total spread across 0 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,521. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,480 and $1,555 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#5 – Chatelet

Chatelet is a freehold condominium situated at 16B Margoliouth Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1993. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,770. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,696 and $1,844 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#6 – Coronation Arcade

Coronation Arcade is a freehold apartment situated at 5 Coronation Road. The current nearest MRT is Tan Kah Kee (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1994. It has 10 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#7 – Dalvey Court

Dalvey Court is a freehold apartment situated at 28 Dalvey Estate. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Choon Woo (Pte) Ltd in 1976. It has 32 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,401. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#8 – Fifth Avenue Condominium

Fifth Avenue Condominium is a freehold condominium situated at 2 Fifth Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Sixth Avenue (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Guthrie Properties Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 70 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,829. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,763 and $1,894 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.62 |
Other restrictions: | 5 Storeys |
#9 – Fontana Heights

Fontana Heights is a freehold condominium situated at 39 Mount Sinai Road. The current nearest MRT is Dover (East-West Line). The development was completed by International Greenland Enterprise Pte Ltd in 1985. It has 51 units in total spread across 24 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,826. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#10 – Four Seasons Park

Four Seasons Park is a freehold condominium situated at 8 Cuscaden Walk. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Hpl Properties Pte Ltd in 1994. It has 202 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,461. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,770 and $2,784 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#11 – Gallop Gables

Gallop Gables is a freehold condominium situated at 70 Farrer Road. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Road (Circle Line). The development was completed by Straits Developments Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 102 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,676. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,389 and $1,781 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#12 – Grange 70

Grange 70 is a freehold apartment situated at 70 Grange Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Lucky Realty Co. Pte Ltd (Far East) in 1999. It has 20 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#13 – Holland Suites

Holland Suites is a freehold apartment situated at 129 Holland Road. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line). The development was completed by Kinly Investment in 1999. It has 15 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#14 – Jade Mansion

Jade Mansion is a freehold condominium situated at 10 Leedon Road. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line). The development was completed by Glory Realty Co. Pte Ltd in 1982. It has 27 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#15 – Jaya Tower

Jaya Tower is a freehold apartment situated at 431 Bukit Timah Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1979. It has 28 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,876. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,751 and $2,001 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#16 – Jewel Of Balmoral

Jewel Of Balmoral is a freehold apartment situated at 7C Balmoral Park. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Silverdale Investment Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 16 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,653. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#17 – Kasturina Lodge

Kasturina Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 20 Kay Poh Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Golden Bull Holdings in 1999. It has 60 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,686. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#18 – Kellock Lodge

Kellock Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 3 Kellock Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Yikai Development Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 48 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,643. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#19 – Kum Hing Court

Kum Hing Court is a freehold apartment situated at 36 Tomlinson Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1990. It has 112 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,247. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $2,067 and $2,430 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#20 – Leedon 2

Leedon 2 is a freehold condominium situated at 2 Leedon Road. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line). The development was completed by Multi-City Holdings (S) Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 72 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,793. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,624 and $1,952 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#21 – Leighwoods

Leighwoods is a freehold condominium situated at 37 Mount Sinai Rise. The current nearest MRT is Dover (East-West Line). The development was completed in 1985. It has 23 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,344. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,299 and $1,389 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#22 – Manhattan Mansions

Manhattan Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 76 Grange Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Ban Hin Leong Group in 1994. It has 29 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,649. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#23 – Melrose Park

Melrose Park is a 999-yrs leasehold (21/06/1877) condominium situated at 91 Kellock Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Dbs Realty Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 170 units in total spread across 20 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $2,122. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $2,057 and $2,186 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#24 – Mutiara Crest

Mutiara Crest is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Jalan Mutiara. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Sb Development Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 37 units in total spread across 19 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,369. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $824 and $1,700 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#25 – Nassim Mansion

Nassim Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 32 Nassim Hill. The current nearest MRT is Napier (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Nassim Mansion Pte Ltd in 1977. It has 72 units in total spread across 10 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#26 – One Chatsworth

One Chatsworth is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Chatsworth Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Good Luck Development Enterprise Pte Ltd in 1976. It has 45 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#27 – Parc Stevens
Parc Stevens is a freehold condominium situated at 21 Stevens Drive. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Stevens Park (Ayala Int’L) in 2000. It has 48 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,629. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#28 – Rainbow Mansion

Rainbow Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 128A Grange Road. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line).. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#29 – Rising Suites

Rising Suites is a freehold apartment situated at 4 Sarkies Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1998. It has 15 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#30 – River Valley Apartments

River Valley Apartments is a freehold apartment situated at 400H River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line).. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#31 – Robin Regalia

Robin Regalia is a freehold apartment situated at 35 Robin Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Robinson International Development Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 48 units in total spread across 10 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,675. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,490 and $1,810 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#32 – Sixth Avenue Centre

Sixth Avenue Centre is a freehold apartment situated at 805 Bukit Timah Road. The current nearest MRT is Sixth Avenue (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1986. It has 18 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,299. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,244 and $1,353 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | 5 Storeys |
#33 – Sixth Avenue Ville

Sixth Avenue Ville is a freehold condominium situated at 43 Sixth Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Sixth Avenue (Downtown Line). The development was completed by City Developments Limited in 1999. It has 49 units in total spread across 4 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.62 |
Other restrictions: | 5 Storeys |
#34 – Sommerville Grandeur

Sommerville Grandeur is a freehold condominium situated at 1 Farrer Drive. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Road (Circle Line). The development was completed by Sommerville Properties Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 96 units in total spread across 5 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,792. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#35 – Spanish Village

Spanish Village is a freehold condominium situated at 56 Farrer Road. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Road (Circle Line). The development was completed by Glory Realty Co Pte Ltd in 1987. It has 226 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,597. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,419 and $1,691 respectively. There were a total of 5 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#36 – St Martin Residence

St Martin Residence is a freehold condominium situated at 6 St. Martin’S Drive. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 2000. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,342. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#37 – St Martin’s Apartment

St Martin’s Apartment is a freehold apartment situated at 1 St Martin’S Drive. The current nearest MRT is Orchard Boulevard (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Unicurrent Pte Ltd in 1986. It has 16 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#38 – Steven’s Court

Steven’s Court is a freehold apartment situated at 88 Stevens Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed in 1983. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#39 – Tanglin Hill Condominium

Tanglin Hill Condominium is a freehold condominium situated at 7A Tanglin Rise. The current nearest MRT is Napier (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Cosmopolitan Development Pte Ltd in 1982. It has 52 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | GCBA Ridley Park |
#40 – The Balmoral

The Balmoral is a freehold condominium situated at 14 Balmoral Park. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Comtech Development Pte Ltd in 1986. It has 81 units in total spread across 5 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,520. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,371 and $1,646 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#41 – The Belmont

The Belmont is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Belmont Road. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line).. It has 10 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,613. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#42 – The Capri

The Capri is a freehold apartment situated at 78 Stevens Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Grand Koh Development Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 18 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,701. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#43 – The Equatorial

The Equatorial is a freehold condominium situated at 151 Stevens Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by City Developments Ltd in 2001. It has 95 units in total spread across 15 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,611. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,404 and $1,726 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#44 – The Hermitage

The Hermitage is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Sarkies Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Esquire Land (S) Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 32 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,851. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,787 and $1,895 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#45 – The Legacy

The Legacy is a freehold apartment situated at 455 Bukit Timah Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Balmoral Heights Development Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 17 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#46 – The Legend

The Legend is a freehold condominium situated at 361 Bukit Timah Road. The current nearest MRT is Stevens (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Ban Guan Enterprise Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 98 units in total spread across 20 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,512. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,447 and $1,562 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#47 – Valley Park

Valley Park is a 999-yrs leasehold (21/06/1877) condominium situated at 473 River Valley Road. The current nearest MRT is Great World (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by River Valley Properties Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 728 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,722. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,588 and $1,834 respectively. There were a total of 18 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | Height is subject to detailed evaluation |
#48 – Villa Azura

Villa Azura is a freehold condominium situated at 1 Cherry Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Sixth Avenue (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Far East Organization in 1999. It has 53 units in total spread across 4 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,626. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.62 |
Other restrictions: | 5 Storeys |
#49 – Villa Delle Rose

Villa Delle Rose is a freehold condominium situated at Taman Nakhoda. The current nearest MRT is Farrer Road (Circle Line). The development was completed by Nakhoda Development Pte Ltd in 1982. It has 104 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,495. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | Building Height Control Around Singapore Botanic Gardens |
#50 – Village Tower

Village Tower is a freehold condominium situated at 35 Mount Sinai Rise. The current nearest MRT is Dover (East-West Line). The development was completed by Village Properties Pte Ltd in 1983. It has 46 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,443. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,338 and $1,547 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#51 – Warner Court

Warner Court is a freehold apartment situated at 110 Holland Ave. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line). The development was completed by Dbs Realty Pte Ltd in 1985. It has 36 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,712. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,550 and $1,873 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#52 – Willyn Ville

Willyn Ville is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Holland Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Holland Village (Circle Line). The development was completed by Willyn Private Limited in 1982. It has 33 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,755. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 11
#1 – Adam Place

Adam Place is a freehold apartment situated at 5C Adam Road. The current nearest MRT is Botanic Gardens (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1992. It has 24 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#2 – Birmingham Mansions

Birmingham Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 130 Thomson Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Thomson Triumph Development Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 65 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 117m SHD |
#3 – Eng Aun Mansion

Eng Aun Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 322 Thomson Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line).. It has 30 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,262. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 3-Storey Mixed Landed |
#4 – Evelyn Mansions

Evelyn Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 20 Evelyn Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Kim Koon Holdings Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 40 units in total spread across 10 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,571. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,366 and $1,701 respectively. There were a total of 5 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.6 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#5 – Gilstead Mansion

Gilstead Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 57 Gilstead Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Alpro Management Services Pte Ltd in 1991. It has 24 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,417. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Mixed Landed |
#6 – Gloucester Mansions

Gloucester Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 10 Newton Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (Downtown Line). The development was completed by City Development Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 61 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,721. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,632 and $1,790 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 99 SHD |
#7 – Kellett Court

Kellett Court is a freehold condominium situated at 21 Shelford Road. The current nearest MRT is Botanic Gardens (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Kellett Holdings Pte Ltd in 1997. It has 43 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,485. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#8 – La Maison

La Maison is a freehold apartment situated at 10 Moulmein Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Ho Bee Development in 1999. It has 24 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#9 – Lion Towers

Lion Towers is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Essex Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line).. It has 52 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 99m SHD |
#10 – Morimasa Gardens

Morimasa Gardens is a freehold condominium situated at 11 Gilstead Road. The current nearest MRT is Newton (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1993. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#11 – Newton Lodge

Newton Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 41 Newton Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1990. It has 16 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#12 – Novena Court

Novena Court is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Jalan Novena Barat. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1970. It has 107 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,260. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,219 and $1,347 respectively. There were a total of 4 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 3-Storey Mixed Landed |
#13 – Novena Hill

Novena Hill is a freehold apartment situated at 34 Jalan Novena. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed in 1975. It has 42 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,562. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 3-Storey Mixed Landed |
#14 – Novena Lodge

Novena Lodge is a freehold condominium situated at 2 Jalan Merlimau. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Novena Development Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 66 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,501. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#15 – Orchid Apartments

Orchid Apartments is a freehold apartment situated at 46C Eng Neo Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Sixth Avenue (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1977. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,327. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Semi-Detached |
#16 – Peppermint Grove

Peppermint Grove is a freehold apartment situated at 45 Newton Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Jobina Construction in 1997. It has 15 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#17 – Rosevale

Rosevale is a freehold apartment situated at 32 Lincoln Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Far East Organization in 2001. It has 32 units in total spread across 12 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | 117m SHD |
#18 – Shelford Green

Shelford Green is a freehold condominium situated at 9 Shelford Road. The current nearest MRT is Botanic Gardens (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Comtech Development Pte Ltd in 1982. It has 33 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#19 – Shelford Mansions

Shelford Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 27 Shelford Road. The current nearest MRT is Tan Kah Kee (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Euro Asia Realty Pte Ltd in 1987. It has 12 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#20 – Shelford Regency

Shelford Regency is a freehold condominium situated at 65 Shelford Road. The current nearest MRT is Tan Kah Kee (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Ava Development Pte Ltd in 1998. It has 56 units in total spread across 4 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#21 – The Armadale

The Armadale is a freehold apartment situated at 60 Gilstead Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Amston Properties Pte Ltd in 2001. It has 75 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,694. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#22 – The Huntington

The Huntington is a freehold apartment situated at 190 Moulmein Road. The current nearest MRT is Novena (North-South Line). The development was completed by Keck Seng Pte Ltd in 2000. It has 42 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,690. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,624 and $1,755 respectively. There were a total of 2 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#23 – Thomson 800

Thomson 800 is a freehold condominium situated at 798 Thomson Road. The current nearest MRT is Caldecott (Circle Line). The development was completed by Property Enterprises Development Pte Ltd in 1999. It has 390 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,451. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,350 and $1,538 respectively. There were a total of 9 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#24 – Villa Des Flores

Villa Des Flores is a freehold condominium situated at 125 Whitley Road. The current nearest MRT is Mount Pleasant (Thomson-East Coast Line). The development was completed by Sunbird Pte Ltd (Goldhill Group) in 1985. It has 41 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Mixed Landed |
#25 – Watten Estate Condominium

Watten Estate Condominium is a freehold condominium situated at 36 Shelford Road. The current nearest MRT is Tan Kah Kee (Downtown Line). The development was completed by Lucky Realty Co Ltd (Far East Organization) in 1983. It has 104 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,329. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,095 and $1,598 respectively. There were a total of 5 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 12
#1 – Euro-Asia Apartments

Euro-Asia Apartments is a freehold apartment situated at 1037 Serangoon Road. The current nearest MRT is Boon Keng (North-East Line). The development was completed by Euro-Asia Realty Pte Ltd in 1990. It has 80 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#2 – Moonstone View

Moonstone View is a freehold apartment situated at 31 Moonstone Lane. The current nearest MRT is Potong Pasir (North-East Line). The development was completed by City Developments Ltd in 2000. It has 76 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is$1,309. It was the only transaction recorded during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#3 – Topaz Mansions

Topaz Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 2 Topaz Road. The current nearest MRT is Potong Pasir (North-East Line). The development was completed by Guan Hong Realty Pte Ltd in 1993. It has 14 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 1.4 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#4 – Trellis Towers

Trellis Towers is a freehold condominium situated at 700 Toa Payoh Lorong 1. The current nearest MRT is Toa Payoh (North-South Line). The development was completed by City Developments Ltd in 2000. It has 384 units in total spread across 24 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,464. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,348 and $1,531 respectively. There were a total of 7 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 3 |
Other restrictions: | No |
District 13
#1 – Avon Park

Avon Park is a freehold condominium situated at 1 Youngberg Terrace. The current nearest MRT is Woodleigh (North-East Line). The development was completed by Avon Development Pte Ltd in 1991. It has 179 units in total spread across 13 floors. The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,423. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,380 and $1,470 respectively. There were a total of 3 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#2 – Euro-Asia Park

Euro-Asia Park is a freehold condominium situated at 25 Woodleigh Close. The current nearest MRT is Woodleigh (North-East Line). The development was completed by Euro-Asia Realty Pte Ltd in 1996. It has 163 units in total . The average $PSF between January 2020 – February 2021 is $1,290. Its lowest and highest $PSF recorded during this period is $1,242 and $1,388 respectively. There were a total of 7 transactions during this period.

Plot Ratio | 2.8 |
Other restrictions: | No |
#3 – Happy Mansion

Happy Mansion is a freehold apartment situated at 1 Happy Avenue North. The current nearest MRT is Mattar (Downtown Line). The development was completed in 1977. It has 24 units in total spread across 4 floors. There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Mixed Landed |
#4 – Wan Tho Lodge

Wan Tho Lodge is a freehold apartment situated at 25 Wan Tho Avenue. The current nearest MRT is Potong Pasir (North-East Line). The development was completed in 1966. It has 12 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | N/A |
Other restrictions: | 2-Storey Mixed Landed |
#5 – Woodsville Mansions

Woodsville Mansions is a freehold apartment situated at 12 Woodsville Close. The current nearest MRT is Potong Pasir (North-East Line). The development was completed in 1987. It has 16 units in total . There were no transactions recorded between January 2020 – February 2021 based on records.

Plot Ratio | 2.1 |
Other restrictions: | No |
At the end of the day, we need to consider the mindset of the owners; and this is something that can’t be quantified
Ultimately, all the key factors can be aligned, but an en-bloc may still fail because of what the owners want. Some home owners can’t be persuaded even by generous offers:
If the owners are senior citizens, all their friends are in the area, and they want to live out their life there, they probably won’t agree to an en-bloc; not even at offers far above market rate.
Likewise, parents often refuse to move if their children’s school is nearby; at least until their children are done schooling. Keep in mind that these parents are specifically the kind of owners that condos near a school will draw; so that can get in the way of en-bloc chances.
There is only one known way to deal with this possibility:
Find an old development with very few units, and where owners are mostly investors (i.e., landlords). Consensus will be easier to obtain as there are fewer people to convince; and most are only looking at the bottom line. It’s yet another reason to know your neighbours.
For more on investment strategies and the Singapore private property market, follow us on Stacked. We’ll also provide you with the most in-depth reviews of new and resale properties alike. If you’d like to get in touch for a more in-depth consultation, you can do so here.
I’m looking at Jaya Towers, D 11. Plot ratio is 1:6 and currently 28 units on 15 floors. Seems like they’ve maxed out unless a developer will built smaller size units?