A $100 Billion Dollar City Turned Into A Ghost Town The world’s most expensive monument to overconfidence is nearer than you think… I’m talking about Forest City, a massive ghost town right across the causeway. This development is around 1,740 hectares (17.4 square kilometres), which is almost the entirety of… 30 Apr 2023 6 min read 3
Should You Be Buying A $33k House In Japan? If you’re tired of expensive housing in Singapore, you can always try buying one in Japan. That’s been talked about lately, with news reports of countryside homes being as low as $33,000. It’s something that seems to come up every… 23 Apr 2023 5 min read 0
How Would Old People Affect The Future Master Plan? An update to the Master Plan is in the works again. As before, the Master Plan Review will be in gear over the next two to three years, and any property investor can tell you why that’s important: so you… 16 Apr 2023 5 min read 0